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Why choose us?
We are the best faithful and long term remote control supplier which you are looking for. 
1. Professional remote control factory with around 15 years R&D and production expreience 
2. Specialize in remote control since 2006
3. Srong R&D capability (5 engineer), Professional sales team(6 sales), skilled production worker(200 worker). strict QC process(10 QC)
4. First level quality(ABS material, 6 step QC inspection), competative price(0.3USD-1.5USD),Fast delivery (2-3weeks).
5. Good and faituful supplier of famouse brand customer such as Skyworth, Tcl, Haier, Huawei etc.
6. Small trial order 1000pcs can be accepted.
7. 1 year warranty.
8. OEM/ODM service.